With Museum Makers, the Ashmolean's group of young people researching gender

FREE afternoon pop-up tours starting at 1.30pm and 2.30pm

Booking is essential

Tours will last about 30-45 minutes and will start in the Ancient Middle East Gallery (Gallery 19)

Capacity is limited at 10–12 attendees per session. Booking is on a first-come first-served basis

Join a short pop-up tour to explore a series of different objects in the galleries that tell the story of gender through history. 

You'll explore 10 objects in different galleries on the tour, from a statue of the ancient Egyptian God Min and the figure of eight-armed Durga slaying the Buffalo-demon to a striking cast of a satyr and hermaphrodite and a display of beautiful kabuki kimonos.

Young girl looking at objects in the galleries


These pop-up tours mark the international three-day conference taking place in Oxford on Global Gender: Pasts, Presents, Futures on 24-26 Jun.

Colourful Global Gender conference poster June 2024


Fill in the short form at the link below to secure your place.